Tuesday 16 October 2012

I'm back!

Did you miss me?
After a few weeks away and a completely rebuilt computer I am going to try really, really hard - I promise! - to update more often.
I have found lots of lovely things and done a few bits that I have thought 'I should blog about this' but haven't got around to and when I have found the time the computer has gone crazy!
So here I am...

Well not here - this is LT enjoying some balloons

Be back soon!


  1. just wanted to thank you over here for your lovely comment on my blog. I have to say I'm a little scared of HV just because of my experience at the beginning (they recommended I feed him on a schedule every 2-3 hours and it was awful) but its a great help to hear they suggested other things than crying out! I thought that you would need to go see a real lefty hippy (even though I may fall a little into that category!) sleep adviser to hear anything different so its nice to hear that 'regular' advisers have other suggestions! xx

    1. Hi Fritha, I think I am really lucky with our HV team - they all seem lovely and not to judgemental - you do hear some horror stories! I'm a big fan of doing what feels right not what you are supposed to do because some textbook says, although I suppose thats how I got into the sleep situation in the first place!
      I think there are so many people who dont want to 'cry it out' that more alternative methods are becoming mainstream. I have my fingers crossed for you.
