Phew, what a busy week. Where to start?
Firstly we are packing up and leaving our beautiful South London flat for greener pastures. Tom has got a job in Hampshire, just outside Southampton, starting next week. We have spent, pretty much, all of the nice sunny days looking around houses that have been snapped up by the end of the day. It has been really disheartening, weighing up pros and cons, making decisions and then having to start the search all over again. We have finally got a place with a garden and a play park at the end of the road- just in time for our great British summer!
I am quite excited to be starting a new chapter in the countryside but also a little scared. I am 8 months pregnant so what I really want to be doing right now is relaxing but what I am actually doing is packing and organising, entertaining a 2 year old and trying not to think about giving birth in a different place with different midwives.
Since having LT I have made so many nice friends who I will be sad not to see every week or so. I have been very lucky and I am worried that I will be isolated and alone all day with a toddler and newborn. There is so much to do here with babies and so many new mums in the same position it is relatively easy to meet likeminded people. I just hope it is the same where we are going.
I know everything will be fine but it feels like so much needs to happen in a very short space of time.
One thing is for sure, I am really going to miss this view...